Inphinity Design

Art, Beauty & Consciousness! Dance with Sacred Geometry.. Language of Nature & Consciousness as a Universal code of Creation.

What's ALL about?

All is ONE

Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
Leonardo da Vinci

Everything is connected; both internally and externally, both on a micro scale to the macro scale, all forms of life are interconnected.

Many great pioneers on scientific field such as Nassim Haramein, John Hagelin and many others come to the conclusion that we are living as a Unified Field of Consciousness. Whereby all participants affect the co-creative outcome of our reality in a greater way than we may think.

Within today's scientific insights, we are able to understand how we are all ONE, as Ancient Teachings say..

UNITY Consciousness

What you give is what you receive. By giving more to yourself and to others, you can change the world we all live in..

When we understand how everything is interconnected with All, this realization brings Harmony & Balance into the deeper parts of ourselves, with a greater picture. When we understand there is no difference between me-you-us-them, and then we start to perceive everything around ourselves as a reflection of ourselves; shining and smiling beauties through you..

At that moment of epiphany, you realize that being loving, kind and compassionate to "others" is being loving, kind and compassionate to "you".

All is you, you are facing with..

Love is the bridge between you and everything.

Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi

What we do?

What's "Toys from the Future & Meditative heArt "?

Communication with the Divine

As we start to read the Language of Life in everywhere we look, presence of multidimensional communication begins to unfold within us. The Great Spirit interacting with us in every way, every moment..

And this journey has bought us to you as we create & experiment with Meditative Art where we can communicate with the Divine through hyper-dimensional connection. It's one of the simplest meditation techniques that we can practice present moment and beyond by interacting with the beauty of perfection that whispers deeper secrets to us.

Through this communication we may start to see, hear, feel and understand some things, which we have never experienced before..

Even by just gazing at Sacred Geometry helps to transform and activate our codes which are mostly inactive in today's world. We should always remember that everything we see today, we accomplished with our limited, less than 5% overall capacity..

There are many more secrets waiting us to be unfolded. Ancient civilizations believed that this teaching educate & inspire the soul by cultivating creative energy which is within all of us.

This is a natural process. When you allow the river, life flows alongside with you..

We believe, this is the best present we can give to you, and to others, through you..

There is a great shift upon us. When we transform our belief systems and our perceptions into our reality, we will be one step closer to manifest Heaven on Earth where there is Love, Peace, Prosperity and Happiness all around us. When we understand our co-creative nature, there will be greater assistance from everywhere in our galaxy and beyond.

And this, will be the time to welcome our Galactic Family with Higher Consciousness.

Its time to shine bright!

With my deepest gratitude to ALL



Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.


Design & Fashion,Fashion
Design & Fashion