Istanbul International School

A child-centred curriculum addressing the needs of our students in a changing world and facilitating their transfer to national or international schools.

Istanbul International School is the only school in Turkey where a national and international programme are provided under the same roof with the deliberate intention of creating settings in which children meet each other as equals and share learning experiences together. In the programme two distinct curricula operate – one national, representing the Turkish school programme regulated by the National Board of Education . The other is an international curriculum which is British based but suitably flexible to incorporate an eclectic approach to education and choice of materials. Though the two programmes have distinct national features to meet the needs of Turkish or foreign students,they identify themselves as members of the IIS learning community. Assemblies are conducted jointly, club activites are mixed as are as much as possible Music, PE and Art lessons. Turkish children learn English and foreign children are taught Turkish.

The programme focuses on the development of the whole child in the classroom and also in the outside, through environments where children learn.

The educational framework meets children’s various needs – academic, social, physical, emotional and cultural. Learning is child centred and value based. Central to the programme are the elements of knowledge, skills, attitudes and action. These are encouraged through a suitable broad area of studies and answer questions and needs such as: who we are, where we are in place and time, how we express ourselves, how the world works, how we organise ourselves. Finding a way to answer the most basic questions, we have emphasised the importance of teacher, learning and teaching methodology and the importance of learning environment. As for the programme we have designed it to focus on three major areas of interest - ENVIRONMENT: science history, geography, religion, technology - EXPRESSIVE ARTS: music, art and design, drama, physical education - LIFE STUDIES: mother language, foreign languages, mathematics, personal development.

The student body represents more than ten different countries as does the teaching staff. Staff are selected for their educational experience, a heart for children and their suitability for work in a collaborative teaching-learning model.

Accredited Cambridge International School, Cambridge International Examination Centre and Member of International Schools Association.

Middle School,Junior High School,Elementary School
Middle School